Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Messin Round!!!

Boredom and Budget are dictating life right now. I am amazed at how the effect of recent events continues to have. All the guys who are trying to get something for nothing are out and on the prowl. its a new style where the world is grifting and on the cut. Bill Clinton is proud!!! Its just a matter of time before things get better and who says they are not already!gone are the credit card wielding cool dudes of the last few years. I don't even have a bank account or like banks. At least you can cash a paycheck at any casino, get cash, free drinks, and not have to worry about your bank going under. The money you gamble is a write off and not having to worry is priceless. Invest in a good SAFE!!!! And the pos in my garage, I was thinking about the popularity of oval dirt tracks and wondering flat disc covers on back???Sometimes it takes something for free to spark free thinking!!!!

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